Chinese Regime Criticizes Dalai Lama’s Visit to the U.S. – Tibetans Respond

Epoch Times4. Februar 2010

The Dalai Lama is set to arrive in the U.S. in two weeks. The Chinese regime has already spoken out in opposition to the visit, saying it could further threaten U.S.-China relations.

Spokesman for the Tibetan-government in Exile in Dharamsala, Thubten Samphel, says the Chinese regime is worried because the meeting will again highlight the Tibetan issue.

[Thubten Samphel, Spokesman, Tibetan-government –in-Exile, Dharamsala]:
„I think it indicates their nervousness on the issue of Tibet, being what they call international eyes that the wider world recognizing that there is problem in Tibet and China should do something about it.“

The Dalai Lama will be in Washington, D.C. on February 17 and 18. He will then travel to California and Florida, returning to India on February 26. The White House has not announced the schedule for his visit.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Ma Zhaoxu, said yesterday the Chinese regime is firmly opposed to any contact between Obama and the Dalai Lama. He warned the visit could further undermine China-U.S. relations.

A Tibetan activist in Dharmasala called the Foreign Minister’s comments “ridiculous.”

[Tenzin, Tibetan Activist]:
„I think this is another ridiculous thing that China has done. This is a clear sign that they are not ready to change. They have always been criticizing His Holiness’s visit to any country, despite being official visit or not. I think this is just another thing that China is doing and it is really ridiculous.“

The conflict over the Dalai Lama’s visit comes at a time when China-U.S. relations are already strained. Last week the U.S. angered Chinese authorities by agreeing to sell $6.4 billion dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan.


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