Doubts over Wen Jiabao’s Political Reform Talk

Epoch Times7. Oktober 2010

During an interview with CNN that aired on Sunday night, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao raised the need for political reform in China, saying (quote) “the people’s wishes and need for democracy and freedom are irresistible.” It’s the sixth time since August that Wen has brought up the issue.

Despite Wen’s rhetoric, many analysts doubt it will lead to significant changes within the ruling Chinese Communist Party. After a similar call by Wen in August, the Editor-in-Chief of Hong Kong based Open Magazine Jin Zhong told Voice of America, those with vested interest in the party are resistant to change.

[Jin Zhong, Editor-in-Chief, Open Magazine]:
“China’s political reform does not depend entirely on Wen Jiabao. More importantly, Hu Jiatao and the [regime’s] Politiburo Standing Committee, many of them are conservatives. The resistance from higher ranks is very big, so Wen Jiabao can only give out empty words.”

Wen’s talk of political reform is also doubted because of state-run media censorship. On September 22nd he told overseas Chinese media in New York the importance of political reform, but state-run Xinhua News Agency’s coverage left his comment out.

Some analysts believe Wen’s repeated mentioning of political reform is a strategic move of the regime to appease the public.

[Wu Fan, Political Commentator]
“The Chinese Communist Party does not want to change, because otherwise it will lose a chunk of its power. It doesn’t want to carry out political reform, and give power to the people, so it uses this form of deceit. Every now and then Wen will come out and say something. The call for political reform is a facade for the public, something imaginary, unrealistic and unprepared for.

Wen has just two years left in his term, and many doubt he would be able to lead any significant change within the Chinese regime.

During the Chinese Communist Party’s 61 years of dictatorship rule over China, some within the party’s leadership have advocated political reform. But these individuals, like Liu Shaoqi, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang, have all failed and been punished for their efforts.


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