Hong Kong „Love the Future“ Exhibit Supports Ai Weiwei

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times7. Juni 2011

While the renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is still in detention for alleged tax evasion, his supporters continue to rally for him in Hong Kong.

An exhibit titled “Love the Future” is showing work of Hong Kong and Chinese artists and poets. They are calling for freedom of expression in China.

The phrase “Love the Future”—or “Ai Wei-Lai” in Chinese—is being used as a code name for Ai Weiwei by his supporters since he was detained in April.

Visual artist Kacey Wong curated this latest exhibit. It includes works of more than 50 artists, including Ai Weiwei’s.

[Kacey Wong, “Love the Future” Exhibit]:

“Artists have the right to free thought. No regime should change the voices of artists. What we want to achieve here is to continue calling for what needs to be addressed.”

Ai Weiwei is known for his eclectic artistic styles. He became more involved in activism in recent years and was openly critical of the Chinese regime. Authorities have accused him of evading tax, but his supporters widely believe he’s being targeted for his stance towards the Chinese communist regime.

[Jian Jun Xi, Artist and Friend of Ai Weiwei]:
“The CCP wants Ai Weiwei to be a member of its National People’s Congress. But Ai turned them down. The CCP is known for gathering elites for its use. Once you’re well known, they’ll try to engage you.”

Ai Weiwei’s supporters in Mainland China cannot publicly call for his release. But in Hong Kong, where citizens enjoy greater freedoms, various events have been staged to protest against his detention.

The Love the Future exhibit will continue until June 26th.

Foto: NTD

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