The Dalai Lama Tours Sweden

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times19. April 2011

The Dalai Lama is now touring Sweden. And as usual, he’s doing it on a tight schedule.

After speaking at seminars in Stockholm, he flew straight to Lund, where he met with the press – and gave more seminars.

The Dalai Lama has confirmed that he is resigning from politics. He also said that political campaigns to elect a successor are well under way in Dharamsala – the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

[The Dalai Lama, Lund, Sweden]:

“Now it’s the right time to retire from political responsibility. After four centuries, the Dalai Lama is quite popular and among Tibetans – I think more than 99 percent fully trust me – so at such occasion voluntarily, happily, proudly ending that system.”

His announcement to resign has shocked Tibetans. After all, it’s the Dalai Lama who has been holding talks with the Chinese regime, pressing for religious freedom and human rights in Tibet.

And with the Dalai Lama out of the political picture, Tibetans worry about progress in talks with the Chinese regime.

[Norsang Drikung, Chairman of Tibetan Community in Sweden]:

“Until now peoples republic of China they don’t recognize the Tibetan Government. They recognize the Dalai Lama and until now there is a lot of dialog between China and Tibetans, with his Holiness representant. When he is not leader for the Tibetan government, so I don’t know how the Tibetan exile government and China will talk. Probably the dialog between China and Tibet will be very difficult to go on.”

But the Dalai Lama doesn’t seem too worried and says that there are at least three good politicians that could fill his shoes.

[The Dalai Lama, Lund, Sweden]:

“This time three candidates, all of them I know very well. Usually they are all very humble, very gentle, but during the last few months, during the campaign – oh! Quite aggressive… but very gently.”

After this stop in Sweden, the Dalai Lama will continue his worldwide tour. His next port of call is Denmark, followed by the USA.

NTD News, Lund, Sweden.

Foto: NTD

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