Tibetans Protest against Chinese Regime Hosting Asian Games

Epoch Times28. Oktober 2010

Activists of the Tibetan Youth Congress are protesting against the Chinese regime hosting the 2010 Asian Games.

Speaking at a press conference in Dharamsala, Northern India, on Tuesday, the Secretary General of the organization, Tenzin Chokey accused the Chinese regime of destroying all positive values.

[Tenzin Chokey, Secretary General, Tibetan Youth Congress]:
„The fact that China is hosting it [Asian Games], it is the biggest colonizer in the world and a country that had occupied other smaller countries continues to throw its weight around militarily and economically and continues to bully smaller states and continues of course continues to abuse and violate fundamental human rights of Tibetan people and also of currently occupied countries by China. It has no moral to host a game that symbolizes all the positive things.“

The Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army invaded Tibet in 1950. Since then Tibet has been ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. London based rights group “Free Tibet” says Tibetans do not enjoy basic human rights, and their culture has been eroded.

Earlier on Tuesday, the activists staged a demonstration in Dharamsala, demanding freedom for their homeland. The Asian Games start in Guangzhou on November 12th. The Tibetan Youth Congress says they have more demonstrations planned before then.


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