China Oil Spill May be Bigger than Official Reports Say

Epoch Times3. August 2010

While worries continue over the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, China has experienced its own oil spill—in the Yellow sea. It happened on July 16th after a pipeline explosion at an oil terminal close to the North-Eastern city of Dalian.

While BP is clearing oil from the Gulf with high-tech equipment, a large proportion of China’s clean up has been done by thousands of fishermen, who are collecting the oil with their bare hands, barrels and no safety equipment.

But how big is China’s oil spill?

Officials reportedly stated that 11-thousand barrels of oil had leaked in to the sea, but environmental organization, Greenpeace is suggesting a much higher figure.

The New York Times reported that a marine conservationist working with Greenpeace, Rick Steiner said on Friday that more than 430-thousand barrels of crude oil might have been released into the Yellow Sea.

Greenpeace is also calling on the Chinese regime to provide safety equipment for volunteers evolved in the clean up—many of whom have been taken ill from toxic exposure.

Greenpeace resorted to putting up signs on many beaches close to the spill that had not been closed.


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