A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 1

April 25th, 1999 - The Protest that Changed China
Epoch Times17. Juni 2009

Ten years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered outside China’s central leadership compound in Beijing. They had come to appeal at China’s central appeals office to appeal for practitioners who had been abused in the city of Tianjin, for their books, which had been banned, and for practitioners all over the country who were being harassed and investigated by the police.

They were met by the Chinese premier, and the arrested practitioners were released. It seemed like the appeal had been successful, But in reality, time was running out, and the brutal crackdown was getting closer and closer.

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Promo

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 2

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 3

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 4


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