A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 3

June 10th, 1999 - China's Hidden Holocaust
(ohne Unterschrift)
Epoch Times28. Juni 2009

Thursday, June 10th, 1999. To most of us, it’s like any other day. But ten years ago today, the Chinese communist regime created a Gestapo-style secret police agency, with the mission to destroy Falun Gong–by any means necessary.

With the tools of torture and the resources of the world´s most populous nation, then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin thought he could crush Falun Gong in three months. But as history played out, many Falun Gong practitioners were able to not only endure the brutality of the persecution, but turn the tables on the Chinese government by exposing their persecution around the world. This is their story.

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Promo

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 1

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 2

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 4

(ohne Unterschrift)(ohne Unterschrift)




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