A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 4

July 20th - China's Deadly Harvest
Epoch Times24. Juli 2009

Numbers are symbols; they represent anything and everything. But they also hide what they represent, like a mask. In ten years, the names of over 3,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been collected; they are the names of people who have been killed through torture by Chinese authorities. But, how many more people simply disappeared after the persecution began? And what is the connection to China’s booming organ transplant industry. Though the truth is still unknown, the evidence points to a disturbing conclusion about the new China, and of what the rest of the world is willing to ignore. In this original investigation, NTD attempts to discover: ‚what happened to the people who disappeared?‘


A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Promo

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 1

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 2

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 3


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