A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Promo

Epoch Times16. Juni 2009

The largest and most influential Chinese spiritual movement in history has endured a decade of repression. Millions of adherents remain devoted to the ideals of „Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance“ after a decade of slander in the state-run media, abuse in prisons and psychiatric wards, and uncertainty. Falun Gong had spread by word of mouth, and after a few years, people practiced all over China. People’s lives were changed; Chinese society itself was changing: But then came the sudden ban, the brutal crackdown. And a decade of survival, against the odds.

This is the story of Falun Gong, told in four parts: The peaceful appeal of April 25th, 1999, when practitioners asked for fair treatment by the government and state-run media. The celebration and reflection of May 13th, International Falun Dafa Day. The creation of the anti-Falun Gong secret police, or „610 Office“, on June 10th, 1999. And then July 20th, the beginning of the Communist ban of the practice, and the beginning of Falun Gong’s decade of courage.

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 1

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 2

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 3

A Decade of Courage – The Falun Gong Story, Part 4


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