Beijing Consumers ‘Riot’ over New iPad

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times9. Mai 2011

Something like a riot broke out at Beijing’s main Apple store as hoards of consumers struggled to purchase the newly-released iPad 2 tablet computer.

Four people were taken to hospital and a glass door was smashed. The store in Beijing’s Sanlitun district opened on Friday to crowds of consumers who had been waiting for hours.

Local media reported an Apple employee angered the crowd by violently attacking people jumping in line.

The crowd then retaliated by smashing the door and roughing up security guards.

Other reports say the crowd was angered when staff tried to close the store and usher customers out the back door.

The second generation iPad was available in black and white. The stock of white items was diminished within hours of its release.

Some had been smuggled from the United States and Hong Kong and offered on the black market months before the official release.

Apple is expanding its presence in China as its products grow in popularity, and the company expects Chinese consumers to account for 10 per cent of revenue in the next five years.

Foto: NTD

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