China: Former Top Judge Expelled from the CCP

Epoch Times27. August 2009

And making headlines in China… the country’s former Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court has been expelled from the Chinese Communist Party after corruption investigations.

According to a statement issued by China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, 51-year-old Huang Songyou has also been dismissed from all official positions.

Investigations by the disciplinary watchdog found that Huang had misused his power to seek profits for others in return for large amounts of bribes. He was also found to have illegally accepted monetary gifts and had lived what the committee referred to as a [quote] “corrupt life.”

In October last year, Huang was removed from his position as the Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court. Chinese media reported at the time that he was implicated in corruption allegations involving 40 million Yuan—nearly 6 million dollars.

Huang is the highest-ranking official in China’s judiciary to have been disciplined for corruption.

The case has now been handed over to prosecutors.


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