China: Prominent Chinese Democracy Advocate Indicted for Subversion

Epoch Times16. Dezember 2009

A year after being detained, leading Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been formally charged with “inciting subversion of state power.”

A long time dissident, the 53-year-old writer was arrested last December after publishing essays critical of the Chinese communist regime. He was also one of the organizers of Charter 08—a widely circulated petition that called for democracy reforms in China.

Web-based rights advocate China Human Rights Defenders, says Liu’s case would be heard by the Beijing Number One Intermediate People’s Court. The date for the trial has not been set.

Liu’s supporters around the world have condemned the Chinese communist regime for arresting him, and are calling for his release. They fear authorities will rush to have his case heard during the holiday season, and that Liu may not be given a fair trial.

Liu’s wife, Liu Xia, told Reuters he plans to fight the charges.

If convicted, Liu could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.


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