Chinese Embassy Involved in Attacking Falun Gong Float in Mexico

Epoch Times15. Februar 2011

Falun Gong practitioners joined the Lunar New Year celebrations in Mexico City’s Chinatown on February 5th. But as things were getting underway, a group of men began tearing down the float. Local Falun Gong practitioners say the men were directed by the Chinese embassy, extending the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the spiritual group abroad.

This footage is captured by La Razón newspaper. Seen here with the mega phone is local Falun Gong practitioner Indira Sarabia. Next to her is a merchant representative in the area, Héctor López. Sarabia tells NTD that in previous New Year’s celebrations Lopez had told her that the Chinese embassy does not want Falun Gong practitioners there. Chinese authorities apparently pressured Lopez and other merchants to keep Falun Gong out or the merchants would face problems when making business trips to China.

In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party began a brutal persecution of Falun Gong. That campaign has extended overseas through embassies and consulates in countries including the United States and Australia.

The group of men tore down banners, removed other decorations and then this canvas with anti-persecution messages. Sarabia says the men traveled in vans belonging to the government of Mexico City’s Cuahutemoc District. Police are seen standing by as the incident took place.

Later that day, Falun Gong practitioners managed to retrieve the float materials. They participated in the parade the next day. But for Mrs. Li, originally from China, the incident is a reminder of the persecution in her home country.

[Mrs. Li, Falun Gong Practitioner]:
“I wouldn’t like for something like that to happen here, because we do have human rights and we have freedom of speech and freedom of belief.”

Falun Gong practitioners in Mexico City have now filed a formal complaint regarding the incident with Mexico’s Federal District Commission for Human Rights.


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