Chinese Regime Orders Tibetan Volunteers to Leave Quake Zone

Epoch Times22. April 2010

In Yushu, China the 6.9 magnitude quake left thousands dead last Wednesday. Tibetan monks from around the country poured into the remote Tibetan region to help the victims. The monks also cleared debris, distributed food, provided spiritual support for the victims and performed religious ceremonies for the dead.

[Jeigu, Tibetan Earthquake Survivor]:
“The efforts are all organized by the monks in our monasteries here. They’re more organized and disciplined than the military and the rescue workers. They settle refugees, and collect bodies, and have played a huge role.”

Chinese state-run media have not featured the monks’ efforts, but have highlighted the rescue work by the armed police and military instead. The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that Tibetan Buddhist monks were nowhere to be seen in televised ceremonies of a national day of mourning for the quake victims.

Tibetan monks have often been demonized by the Chinese regime for their loyalty to the Dalai Lama—the exiled spiritual leader whom the regime considers to be a separatist.

Now there are reports Chinese officials have ordered the monks to leave the quake zone, along with other volunteers.

[Quake Volunteer from Shanxi Province]:
“Now the military has taken over the control, they won’t let volunteers and other organizations enter. We’re on the train now, heading home.”

Beijing based Tibetan poet and activist Woeser told the Associated Press that Yushu authorities have asked monks to leave, or “otherwise there will be trouble.”

President of the Taiwan Friends of Tibet Association Zhou Meili says she believes the Chinese regime is trying to keep a close eye on the predominantly Tibetan area.

[Zhou Meili, President of Taiwan Friends of Tibet Association]:
“That region has many Tibetans, and since 2008 there has been fierce opposition against communist rule. The local military police has always controlled the monasteries. The residents there are scared and afraid to speak up. Those who have survived [the quake] not only have to deal with harsh conditions, but are also monitored closely.”

Earlier this week, the Chinese regime warned there are “outside hostile forces” trying to disrupt rescue efforts, apparently referring to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama has maintained he wants significant autonomy for Tibet under Chinese rule. Last week he appealed to visit the quake-hit province of Qinghai where he was born.


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