Court Orders New Probe into Politkovskaya’s Murder

Epoch Times4. September 2009

Russia’s Supreme Court agrees to send back Anna Politkovskaya’s case to the prosecutors for a new probe into her murder. The order from the court was in response to an appeal made by her family members.

[Russian Supreme Court Judge]:
„The appeal of the family’s [Politkovskaya] representatives — lawyers Moskalenko and Stavitskaya — to return the case to the prosecutor’s office in order to combine it with the case of Makhmudov Rustam Ruslanovich and other unidentified people — which was supported during the hearing by the prosecutor’s representative — was carried out.”

Politkovskaya, a 48-year-old mother-of-two was a journalist who published scathing exposes of official corruption and rights abuses. She was shot as she returned to a central Moscow apartment block from a supermarket on October 7, 2006.

Their family lawyer, Karina Moskalenko welcomed the court’s decision.

[Karina Moskalenko, Lawyer]:
“The appeal of the family was carried out. And of course we are satisfied, but it is a moderate satisfaction. Because it gives a chance to present a better investigated case, it gives an opportunity to the prosecutor’s office to send a new case to the court, not the case they sent last time.”

The journalist’s death sparked outrage in the West, which called on the Kremlin to ensure that those who murdered her would be brought to justice.


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