Falun Gong Practitioner Persecuted to Death

Epoch Times25. Juni 2009

A Falun Gong practitioner has died at her home in Jiangsu Province, apparently after long-term torture in prison. Ms. Su Zhifeng was arrested for her belief in the practice, and when released she was in such poor health that she could not walk or talk.

Ms. Su Zhifeng lived in Suicheng Village of Suixian County, Jiangsu Province, where she spread information about the state-led persecution of Falun Gong and refuted propaganda against the practice.

When she heard that she might be arrested, Ms. Su fled to the coastal city of Qingdao to work. But she was arrested and locked in Nanjing Women’s prison for three years.

When she was released, the formerly healthy 49-year-old could not walk or talk, apparently due to mistreatment in custody.

According to relatives, the family was monitored, intimidated and harassed by the leader of Suixian County National Security bureau, named Xu Jun, and agents from the 610 office, which is a secretive national organization formed to crackdown on Falun Gong. The leader of the local 610 office is named Zhang Shujun.

Ms. Su’s health continued to deteriorate, and she died on May 7 this year after being bedridden long-term.

She is among thousands confirmed dead after the ruling regime began persecuting the spiritual practice in July 1999. Adherents say thousands more deaths are unaccounted for.


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