Germany: „Fraudmeister“ Stands Trial for Tax Evasion

Epoch Times20. Januar 2010

Karlheinz Schreiber is the central figure in a German political scandal that destroyed the legacy of Helmet Kohl.

The German-Canadian arms dealer is on trial for tax evasion following his extradition from Canada last year.

Prosecutors accuse the 75-year-old of failing to declare millions of dollars from kickbacks he received for the sale of military hardware to several countries.

He denies any wrongdoing.

Schreiber’s trial will be closely watched in Germany, where it could potentially embarrass Angela Merkel’s ruling conservatives.

Schreiber is connected to a slush fund scandal which destroyed the careers of several prominent Christian Democrat  figures in the 1990’s.

Chief among them was Germany’s veteran chancellor, Helmut Kohl, who was forced to quit as honorary party leader in 2000 after admitting he accepted illegal party donations.

The affair also damaged the career of Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, who spent several years in the political wilderness after admitting he took money from Schreiber.

While in Canada, Schreiber also came under scrutiny for controversial financial dealings with former prime minister Brian Mulroney.

He was allowed to stay in Canada until July of last year, when he testified at a public inquiry into cash payments he made to Mulroney.

He was extradited shortly afterwards, ending a 10-year fight to avoid German justice.

Schreiber’s trial is expected to last until May. If found guilty, he faces up to 10-years in prison.


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