GM India Launches Smartech Engine

Epoch Times29. Januar 2011

General Motors India launched its new made-in-India petrol engine on Thursday in New Delhi.

The new engine is called a „Smartech“ engine.

The President and Managing Director of GM India says that the new engine was designed by Indian engineers specifically for Indian conditions and drivers.

[Karl Slym, President, General Motors India]:
“We have used direct expertise and our Indian engineers, to be able to test the engines and change the engines, in line of the requirements, whether that be environmental, whether it will be road conditions or whether it be the kind of driving habit.“

GM expects to triple its auto sales in India to three hundred thousand units over the next two years.

The U.S. automaker also plans to launch six new vehicles within two years.

Slym said that GM expects its India sales to grow at double the pace of the industry in 2011.

[Karl Slym, President, General Motors India]:
„Well, last year, we grow at twice the rate, the 30 percent of the industry and our growth rate was 60 percent. So we are very pleased to grow, therefore we grow in the market share and continue to grow our business in India.”

Analysts predict India’s auto industry could be worth $113 billion by 2020.


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