Green Dam Targets Falun Gong and Compromises Security

Epoch Times16. Juni 2009

Concern is rising over a CCP mandate that will require all personal computers sold in China to come with the content-filtering software „Green Dam-Youth Escort“ pre-installed.

The CCP claims that Green Dam is a benign program that restricts access to pornography. But analysis of the software has shown that it also blocks access to politically sensitive web content—especially pertaining to Falun Gong.

According to an Epoch Times report, hackers have decrypted the list of banned keywords contained in the software. There are more than six thousand keywords that are not related to pornography. The great majority refer to Falun Gong. Also included in the list are references to Tiananmen Square, Tibet, and negative descriptions of the Communist Party.

A team of computer engineers at the University of Michigan has tested Green Dam and found that it also has serious security problems, including that it could allow a user’s computer to be controlled by a third party.

We’ll keep you updated as more information about Green Dam comes to light.


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