Guangdong Governor Sued for Genocide in Taiwan

Epoch Times20. August 2010

Governor of China’s Guangdong Province, Huang Huahua, is on a week-long trade tour of Taiwan. His delegation is expected to buy a record U.S. $6 billion dollars‘ worth of Taiwan-made goods. But as Huang begins his spending tour, a group of Taiwan residents is drawing attention to human rights abuses they say Huang committed back in China.  

On Monday, just moments after Huang arrived in Taiwan, Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit against him at the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office. They say Huang has committed the crime of genocide for his role in the persecution of Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa. That includes setting up branches of the „610 Office“, a Gestapo-style organization designed specifically to persecute Falun Gong.

[Professor Chang Ching-Hsi, Taiwan Falun Dafa Association]:

“We want Taiwanese laws to come into effect, and for Huang to be held responsible for the mistakes and crimes he’s committed.“

Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that once enjoyed wide popularity in China. But in 1999, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party at the time launched a brutal crackdown. To date, more than 3,000 Falun Gong adherents have died in China from torture and other inhumane treatment. Many of them were from Guangdong Province.

As Governor Huang travelled around Taiwan, Falun Gong practitioners made their wishes clear. This woman called out to Huang as he visited Taiwan’s National Palace Museum, urging him to stop persecuting Falun Gong.

Human rights lawyer Chiu Huang-chuan calls on Taiwanese authorities to take a stand against the Chinese regime’s human rights abuses.

[Chiu Huang-chuan, Taiwanese Human Rights Lawyer]:

„I think Taiwan, in trying to improve relations with China, has indeed ignored the truth of the communist regime’s human rights abuses. They allow those who abuse human rights to enter and leave freely. I think if Taiwan fails to act, it would not only be a disregard for human rights, but it will in fact become an accomplice to the communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong.“

Since November last year, Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners have filed lawsuits against at least six visiting Chinese communist officials for their role in the persecution.


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