iPad 2 Makes Delayed Japan Debut

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times29. April 2011

Apple’s iPad 2 finally landed in Japan on Thursday (April 28), a month behind the originally scheduled arrival date due to last month’s earthquake.

Still, the Japanese are among the earliest to receive the new tablet in Asia, and hundreds of fans thronged Apple stores in Tokyo before official opening hours, trying to be among the first to get the latest Apple gadget in the region.

[Yukihiko Hata, Business Consultant]:
„I wanted to get it in my hand as early as possible to show off to my friends, so I don’t mind lining up from early morning.“

The new version of Apple’s tablet debuted in the United States last month.

The 10-inch touch screen iPad 2 is thinner and faster than the previous version, and comes with a pair of cameras for video chat.

Some impatient fans had tried to get one earlier overseas – but unsuccessfully.

[Keiko Oda, Businesswoman]:
„I tried to buy one in New York last week, but I couldn’t, even though I went to three different shops. So, I’ve been determined to grab one in Japan on its first day of sale.“

The iPad 2 goes on sale in many other Asian countries on Friday (April 29), including Singapore and South Korea, before hitting the Chinese market on May 6th.

Foto: NTD

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