Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors To Sell Autos At Bic Camera

Epoch Times10. November 2010

From auto showroom to electronics store.

That’s the plan from Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors and retailer Bic Camera, which will sell the zero-emission electric cars alongside household appliances like TVs and dishwashers.

The leading discount retailer will display Mitsubishi’s i-MiEV at four of its biggest stores around Tokyo, offering test drives and car information to shoppers.

Mitsubishi became the first major carmaker to sell battery-powered electric cars last year, and is in talks to sell the autos through U.S. electronics retailer Best Buy.

The carmaker’s president said one of Japan’s smallest automakers would be able to attract a wider range of consumers through its retailer tie-ups.

Mitsubishi aims to produce nine thousand i-MiEV cars this year, ramping up to 40-thousand units in next year.

MMC plans to unveil the North American version of the i-MiEV at the Los Angeles auto show next week, with sales beginning in autumn 2011.


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