Market Report – Asia Down Amidst China IPO Push

Epoch Times7. Juli 2010

In today’s market report… Asian stocks fell Wednesday as investors grew pessimistic after disappointing U.S. services sector data provided the latest evidence of a global slowdown.

The euro rose to a 7-week high against the dollar, on doubts about the U.S. recovery.

A rebound in world stock markets Tuesday, mainly propelled by bargain-hunting, turned out to be short-lived, although Tokyo’s Nikkei closed above key support levels.

Shanghai stocks were flat a day after rising about 2% on completion of Agricultural Bank of China’s pricing for its IPO.

AgBank’s massive IPO is set to be the largest in the world at $22 billion. The success of the public offering appears to have encouraged further fund raising efforts by Chinese banks.

The IPO came amid a beleaguered Chinese stock market and euro zone debt crisis.

So far this year, Shanghai has been the world’s second worst performing share market after Greece.


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