Market Report – Asia Holds Steady

Epoch Times30. März 2010

In today’s market report… the euro rallied further on Monday from 10 month lows, while Chinese shares hit two-month highs, though Asian markets remained steady.

At the end of the first quarter, Asian stocks outside of Japan have recorded a mere 1 percent rise so far this year, calming after a 72 percent jump in 2009.

But market watchers see a stronger second quarter if the region’s economic recovery remains robust and corporate earnings pick up.

In company news, Toyota and Mazda announced a deal under which Japan’s top automaker will supply its hybrid technology under license to Mazda. It’s the latest link-up within the fast-evolving auto industry.

And Japan’s largest electronics maker, Hitachi, says it aims to double sales from its railway-related business in six year by tapping growing demand overseas.


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