Market Report – Asia Mostly Lower

Epoch Times10. März 2010

In today’s market report… most Asian share markets edged lower along with weaker copper and gold prices, with regional miners and resource-linked firms dipping.

Australia’s benchmark managed to eke out a gain for the eighth straight session, although world leaders BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto eased.

In Tokyo, the Nikkei declined slightly from a 6-week high hit Monday, but has climbed over 50 percent in the last year, when it sat at its lowest since October 1982.

Toyota was lower despite a mildly weaker yen, and efforts in the U.S. to discredit an outside study critical of its electronic safety systems.

Turning to China, the mainland’s largest automaker, SAIC Motors, firmed after sales in the first two months of the year shot up 67 percent, as red hot demand continues.

SAIC partners with GM and Volkswagen, and is expected to roll out four of its own brand models this year.


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