Market Report – Shanghai Surges

Epoch Times3. September 2009

In today’s market report… reassuring comments out of China helped Shanghai’s share index to surge, although Asian stock markets took only mild comfort.

A top Chinese securities regulator said late on Wednesday that the share market was healthy and pledged to keep it stable.

Global markets have recently taken cues from China’s share market, also looking for hints on credit policy ahead.

Seoul shares ended flat, supported by a Fitch upgrade of South Korea’s credit rating.

LG Electronics was down even after the world’s third largest mobile phone maker said it would launch three new smartphones using Microsoft Windows software in the next few weeks and 13 more by the end of next year.

Japanese stocks slipped on fears that Friday’s U.S. jobs data may reflect a slower-than-hoped for recovery in the world’s biggest economy.

As uneasy investors moved into safe haven assets, the yen hit a seven-week high, hurting exporters like no.2 carmaker Honda.

And A rise in gold to $98


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