More Melamine-Tained Food Emerges in China

Epoch Times4. Februar 2010

In China, the melamine tainted milk scandal was exposed in 2008. Six babies died and more than 300,000 fell ill from the poisoned milk, according to Chinese officials’ figures.

Now the toxic chemical has again found its way back into food products sold on supermarket shelves in China.

According a report in the state-run People’s Daily, some companies have been using recalled melamine-tainted milk powder to make products.

And the incidents have not been isolated. The tainted products have been produced by companies across China, including Shanghai and Liaoning Provinces in the northeast.

The latest contaminated products were found in China’s southwestern province of Guizhou.

Adding melamine to dairy products, makes the protein content appear higher. The toxic chemical is a byproduct of plastic and when consumed by humans, it can cause serious kidney and other health problems.


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