New York State Legislature Supports Falun Gong

Epoch Times25. Juni 2009

And the legislature of the U.S. state of New York is speaking out against the persecution of the Falun Gong meditation practice. 50 assemblymen co-signed a joint letter to President Barack Obama. It calls for the president to recognize the tenth anniversary of the start of the persecution of Falun Gong, which falls on July 20th. We caught up with one assemblyman who signed on.

Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick represents the 7th District of New York state in Suffolk (Pron. Suffik) County. His message to President Obama is this:

[Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick, 7th District, New York]: :44-
“We want to raise our voices in the strongest possible terms to the new president to ask him to express the collective good wishes of not only the New York legislators but also legislators from around the country and to ask him to please press the communist government of china to please treat the Falun Gong practitioners fairly.”

The letter goes on to recognize that at least three thousand Falun Gong practitioners have been killed in the persecution by quote, “torture, malnutrition, exhaustion, neglect in detention, and even organ harvesting in hospitals.”

Also addressed are attacks on Falun Gong practitioners in New York City.

“New York City police officers have had to arrest several members of an anti-Falun Gong mob for attacks against practitioners, with charges ranging from assault to resisting arrest.”

[Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick, 7th District, New York]: 1:39
“I am hopeful that President Obama will convey our wishes to the government of China… to please be fair to not discriminate and persecute the good people who are Falun Gong practitioners in China.”

He has a message for all Falun Gong practitioners.

[Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick, 7th District, New York]: 3:21
“Persevere. Be strong. I know at times the conditions are very difficult but persevere you must. Eventually your goal will be reached. Right beats might all the time.”

NTD, Albany, New York.


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