Nissan Recalls 5,000 Leaf Vehicles, Shares Fall

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times19. April 2011

Shares of Nissan underperformed the broader market Monday, after the Japanese automaker said it would recall its Leaf electric vehicles.

Nissan was the biggest loser among Japan’s top three carmakers, down as much as two percent, following the company’s announcement that it would repair more than five thousand units of its Leaf electric vehicles in North America, Japan and Europe.

A total of about eight thousand of the cars have been built to date in Japan and the United States.

Nissan said a software glitch caused a number of the zero-emission vehicles to fail to re-start after the engine was turned off.

The automaker says it does not consider it a safety issue, as the vehicle operates properly while it is driven.

Nissan begins notifying Leaf drivers of the repair campaign this week, via a message sent to the vehicle’s on-board communications system.

Nissan’s high-stakes electric vehicle has been on the international market for around five months, making its debut in Japan and the U.S. last December.

Foto: NTD

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