Parents of Toxic Milk Victimcs Arrested After Commemorative Event

Epoch Times15. September 2009

Beijing police have arrested parents of babies sickened by poisonous melamine milk last year. They were attending an event on September 11 to mark the first anniversary of the toxic outbreak.

According to the event organiser Zhao Lianhai, Beijing authorities had given approval to the event after public pressure. Zhao had told the Epochtimes that the commemorative activities, which were held at his home, went without any disruptions.

However, two parents were arrested the next day by plain-clothed police waiting outside Zhao’s house. Another parent who thought she was being given a ride home told a friend she has been taken to a police station instead. Friends have been unable to reach her mobile phone since then.

The whereabouts of the three parents are currently unknown.

It was revealed a year ago that Chinese diary companies were adding melamine to milk to boost its protein contents. According to official figures, six children died from kidney disease and another 300,000 were sickened by the tainted milk.


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