Security Tightens in Beijing Ahead of Annual „Two Meetings“

Epoch Times4. März 2010

This week, Beijing is host to the annual “two meetings” of the Chinese Communist Party. On Wednesday, the National People’s Congress gathered for its annual plenary session. And on Friday, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will hold its annual plenary session.

5,000 officials are in town to set down the policies of the ruling Communist Party. And Beijing authorities have dispatched more than 70,000 people to maintain order in the city.

The state-run People’s Daily says that: “The capital police force is fully prepared to safeguard the two meetings… The ‚great moat‘ project to surround Beijing has been launched.”

Part of the massive security project includes driving out petitioners who have come to Beijing as a final resort to seek redress for their legal woes.

[Liaoning Petitioner]:
“There are around 30 Beijing police, and they sent us to the Majialuo [building] so that we could be driven back to Fushun in Liaoning Province. We’re in the car now. Scuffles broke out when they kidnapped us. Those who refused to get in the car were dragged in.”

Security officials around the country have also been mobilized to keep petitioners out of the capital. Yu Linuo from Shenyang Province says her husband was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night.

[Yu Linuo, Wife of Shenyang Petitioner]:
“Four of them dragged my husband out of bed. He was only in his underwear but they dragged him out. The four people dragged him into the car and didn’t show any documentation. They said that the ‘two meetings’ are on now, and to give the leaders peace of mind, they’re going to detain my husband.”

Rights activists have also been targeted as part of the security project. According to Chinese news service, Wu Guangzhou, originally from Guangdong Province, was arrested on Sunday. Wu has been making a video CD of petitioners pleading their cases on film. He had hoped to give the CD to communist officials attending the two meetings this week.


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