Taiwan: Opening Ceremony of the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung

Epoch Times17. Juli 2009

Around 40,000 audience members start to move their way into this eye-catching and world number-one solar powered main stadium for Taiwan’s first ever multi-sporting international event.

Behind me is the main stadium for the Opening Ceremony of the World Games 2009, held here at the 2nd largest city of Taiwan – Kaosiung. We can see it is starting to get packed with people.

Taiwanese people, especially Kaohsiung locals, have been waiting eagerly for this moment since Kaosuing was chosen as host city 4 years ago.

“This is Taiwan’s first time hosting a large international sporting event, and it’s the prime opportunity for Taiwan to shine on the international stage”

“I think all Kaohsiung citizens feel honored to be hosting this international event and being able to take part is absolutely fantastic!”

International events may not be possible without the contributions of 4,000 volunteers.

[A Volunteer]:
“The government (organiser) did a lot of preparation, they started to train us since last November. We have been taught how to well-serve international media guests during the 10 days period of the games.”   

As night falls, the host city shows the world the best of what Taiwan has to offer- aboriginal performances intergraded with state-of-the-art electronic technology, and the setting, of course, is this maritime city, one of the world most busiest ports.

International World Games Association (IWGA) President Ron Froehlich also gave a welcoming speech, along with Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu:

[Kaohsiung Mayor, Chen Chu]:
„No country in the international community should be forgotten, and Taiwan cherishes every opportunity to embrace the world.“

President Ma Ying-jeou announced the official start of the games in front of 4,800 athletes from 105 participating countries.

According to Associated Press reports, that China deliberately boycotted the opening ceremony, “the act is almost certainly related to Ma’s role (as a country’s president) in declaring the games open”.

The ceremony turns into a night concert with live orchestra performing for renowned signers – Russell Walson, Hayley Westenra and some local artists. The show ends with a spectacular fire-work display.

NTD Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


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