Tibetans-in-exile Remember Persecuted Buddhist Nun

Epoch Times9. Dezember 2009

33-year-old Tibetan nun Yankyi Dolma reportedly died on Sunday in a hospital in Chengdu in China’s Sichuan Province. Tibetans living-in-exile remembered the nun at a candlelight vigil in Dharamsala, where many Tibetans have fled.

Dolma and another fellow nun were arrested on March 24 after they staged a peaceful protest at the Kardze market square against Chinese authorities.

Both the nuns were beaten up severely by security personnel and later arrested.

Exile rights groups fear that Dolma succumbed to her injuries sustained through beatings and torture while in prison. The body is yet to be returned to her family.

Nothing is known about the fate of the other nun.

Tibetans-in-exile hope more Indian people can speak up and support Tibet.

[Tshering, Tibetan-in-exile]:
„We really wanted to raise voice on their behalf that in Tibet, there isn’t any kind of freedom. Even though we would like to speak about our own rights, we have to face the extreme kind of punishment like death, that’s why we are raising awareness to all the Indian locals that please support us in all this regards.“

The Chinese Communist Party has controlled Tibet since troops marched into the region in 1950.


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