Toyota Union Won’t Push for Pay Rise

Epoch Times19. Januar 2011

A Toyota Motor labor union is not planning to push for pay rises in upcoming negotiations despite an uptick in the automaker’s earnings.

The Nikkei says the Toyota Motor Workers‘ Union will hold off on asking for increments for a second consecutive year, given uncertain business conditions.

The surging yen has eaten into profits at Toyota, while the end of a government subsidy program for consumer purchases of environment-friendly cars is also expected to slow operations at the automaker’s domestic plants.

The labor union plans to focus on ensuring that workers continue to benefit from seniority-based raises, while also pressing management to meet bonus requests in full.

Last year, the union sought bonuses averaging 1.84 million yen, but had to accept 1.8 million.

With over 60-thousand members, the Toyota Motor Workers‘ Union has a strong influence on labor-management negotiations nationwide, and could spur others to follow suit.


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