Typhoon Koppu Sweeps Through Hong Kong

Epoch Times15. September 2009

Typhoon Koppu swept through Hong Kong early on Tuesday, shutting the stock market and closing schools and most businesses.

At least 28 people were admitted to the hospital as a result of the typhoon, but most sustained only minor injuries.

By mid-morning, the situation had returned to normal as the government lowered the Number 8 typhoon warning signal to a Number 3 strong wind signal.

But for some tourists on a tight schedule, the typhoon disrupted their plans.

[Melissa Yeap, Singaporean Tourist]:
„And the wind was blowing and it was drizzling a bit, so we were like, we’d better hurry up to the MTR and get back to the hotel.“

The government said that during the passage of the typhoon, some roads had been closed due to fallen trees and dangerous scaffolding.

The typhoon went on to hit China’s southern Guangdong Province but was due to slow to a tropical storm as it moved further inland.


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