United States Makes $6.4 Billion Arms Deal with Taiwan

Epoch Times2. Februar 2010

The United States has approved a $6.4 billion U.S. dollar arms deal with Taiwan.

The Chinese regime responded by suspending military operations with the United States, postponing high level military meetings and is threatening to place sanctions on some U.S.-based companies.

U.S. officials say Taiwan needs the updated weapons to give it more power when negotiating with Chinese Authorities.

[P.J. Crowley, U.S. State Department]:
„The notification includes UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters, Patriot Advanced Capability missiles, technical support for Taiwan’s Command-and-Control Communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and Reconnaissance System, the C4ISR, two Osprey-class mine hunting ships, and Harpoon telemetry missiles.“

Taiwan’s President, Ma Ying-jeou, welcomed the deal saying it gives the island nation more security when dealing with the Mainland.

Taiwan has been ruled separately since 1949, but the Chinese regime has continuously demanded the nation to accept unification.

As the United States is Taiwan’s most important ally, it’s bound by law to make sure the island can defend itself against attacks by the Chinese regime.


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