Washington: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally on Capitol Hill

Epoch Times17. Juli 2009

“I never thought I would have to be here after ten years.”

On the doorstep of the most powerful government in the world, a plea for support to end a tragedy thousands of miles away.

[Gail Rachlin, Falun Gong Spokesperson]:
“On July 20, 1999, there was a declaration by the Chinese government about Falun Gong and they were out to eradicate all Falun Gong practitioners.”

Yet this discipline is practiced by millions in China and many in the West.

“It helps people with their overall health, their well-being and it instills in you great virtue. The three principles are very simple; truthfulness, compassion, forbearance.”

The Chinese regime’s decision to persecute this peaceful practice is baffling to many.

[Terry Xu, Former Qinghua University Professor]:
“I improved my health and mind. I feel my heart very peaceful after practicing Falun Gong. Before I practiced Falun Gong it was difficult for me to sleep at night. But just after I read the book Zhuan Falun, I have slept very well from that time until now.”

Mr. Xu’s status as a professor at China’s prestigious Qinghua University did not allow him to escape persecution.

“More than 20 policemen stormed in my home without showing any ID. They arrested me and detained me. They deprived my right to hire a lawyer.”

Terry tells us about the persecution he endured.

“Without legal procedure they sentenced me to two years in labor camp.”

After Mr. Xu was released from forced labor he made it to the United States where he and his family now live. Some of his students weren’t so lucky.

“Mr. Zhang Linjing was my student. He was detained in a jail for eight years.”

Falun Gong practitioners in the United States have organized this rally for the last ten years… to urge the American government to play a part in putting an end to what Terry Xu and others like him have suffered. And people like congressman Chris Smith are listening.

[Chris Smith, U.S. Congressman]:
“And we’ve got to petition the White House and Congress to say let’s pivot, let’s turn and say we stand with the oppressed, not the oppressor.”

For Terry Xu, practicing the Falun Gong exercises freely, brings back memories of a happier time. A time that inspires him to not give in.

“I want to say to the world, the whole world, stop this most evil persecution against Falun Gong.”

Ben Hedges, NTD News, Washington.


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